
The Milah Center

Brit Milah on Shabbat

Can Brit Milah be performed on Shabbat?


Brit Milah is one of the essential mitzvot in Judaism. When a baby is born naturally, the circumcision must be performed on the eighth day, even if that day falls on Shabbat. This is based on the verse, (וּבַיּוֹם הַשְּׁמִינִי יִמּוֹל בְּשַׂר עָרְלָתוֹ” (ויקרא י”ב, ג”, interpreted to mean the eighth day, even on Shabbat.


How does the Mohel arrive at the Brit location on Shabbat?


The mohel must prepare all necessary equipment beforehand, including the circumcision knife, bandages, and disinfectants. On Shabbat, the mohel must walk to the location of the Brit, as driving is prohibited.


Managing guests on Shabbat


To prevent guests from violating Shabbat, it is recommended to arrange nearby accommodations so they can walk to the Brit on Shabbat. Sometimes, Halacha may prohibit performing the Brit on Shabbat if there is a risk that some guests might violate Shabbat on their way.


Communication and payment to the mohel on Shabbat


Payments cannot be made to the mohel on Shabbat for the Brit, so all financial arrangements should be settled either before Shabbat begins or after Shabbat ends. The payment to the mohel covers the pre-Shabbat activities, such as examining the baby, or post-Shabbat activities, like removing bandages. One should avoid any phone communication on Shabbat unless it’s a life-threatening situation; therefore, all arrangements should be made in advance.

מוהל מומלץ

Contact Us

"Thank you to the amazing team at Milah Center!"

We are a couple who were evacuated from Sderot and didn't know how we would fulfill the beautiful and important mitzvah of our dear son's Brit Milah. We contacted Milah Center and received a quick response. The mohel was very professional, relieved all our stress, and even recommended places where we could hold the event. They explained exactly what to do and ensured everything was fine even a few days after the Brit Milah. Our experience was truly amazing; everything was done calmly and professionally. We highly recommend it!

– Shmuel

המלצה למוהל

Brit Milah on its Designated Day and Otherwise


A Brit Milah performed on its eighth day overrides Shabbat, but if it is not performed on the eighth day for any reason, it cannot be done on Shabbat. In such cases, the Brit should be postponed to Sunday. If a baby is born between sunset and nightfall, the circumcision should take place on Sunday, the ninth day. Additionally, a baby born via cesarean section may not have a Brit on Shabbat.


Brit Milah on Shabbat with Milah Center


At Milah Center, we understand the importance of conducting Brit Milah on Shabbat according to tradition and halacha. Simply inform us of the time and place, and our experienced mohel will be there to perform the ceremony with professionalism and sensitivity, strictly following all religious and health guidelines.


Additional Notes


Equipment Preparation: All bandages and necessary equipment must be prepared before Shabbat. Cutting bandages on Shabbat is prohibited, so everything must be ready beforehand.

Avoiding photography and filming: Photography and filming of the ceremony must be avoided on Shabbat.




Brit Milah on Shabbat is an important mitzvah that overrides Shabbat if the baby is Jewish and unquestionably born on Shabbat, in a natural birth. The mohel must prepare all equipment beforehand and walk to the Brit location. Guests are advised to walk or stay nearby, and all financial and logistical arrangements should be made before Shabbat. In case of doubts, it is recommended to consult a mohel to ensure everything is conducted according to halacha.

Picture of Rabbi Ari Deutsch

Rabbi Ari Deutsch

Rabbi Ari Deutsch is a leading mohel at Milah Center, with extensive experience performing hundreds of Brit Milah ceremonies across the country. With a rich and comprehensive knowledge of Jewish laws and traditions, Rabbi Deutsch offers circumcision services that combine spiritual sensitivity with precise adherence to Jewish practices. He is known for his high professionalism and the personal, warm approach he provides to every family and baby, while maintaining the highest medical standards.

A brit milah only happens once.

Give your baby the best experience.

Yourself, too.

One center, everything you need.

Before, during, and after your son’s bris, we’re here for you.


  • Pre-birth consultations
  • Pre-bris consultation
  • Bilirubin testing
  • Pre-bris checkups


  • Top mohalim
  • Complete bris kit 
  • Optional venue 
  • Specialized treatment for complicated brissim


  • Post-bris checkup
  • Wound care
  • Bandage removal
  • Additional checkups as needed


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