
The Milah Center

When to Postpone Brit Milah

Postponing Brit Milah – Background


Brit Milah is an important and central mitzvah in Judaism, typically performed on the eighth day of the baby’s life. However, there are situations where the brit is postponed for medical or halachic reasons. In such cases, it is crucial to follow medical and halachic guidelines to ensure the baby’s health and prevent unnecessary risks.


How to Count the Days from Recovery Time


When a baby needs to wait seven days after recovering from an illness, the counting starts from the exact time the baby was deemed healthy. For example, if the baby recovers on Tuesday at 4:06 PM, the brit will be scheduled for the following Tuesday at 4:06 PM.


Medical Reasons for Postponing Brit Milah


Anyone, whether a baby or an adult, who needs to undergo Brit Milah must be free from any illness for a full week before the procedure. If the illness only affects one part of the body, like a minor eye infection, it requires waiting only until the infection improves. Serious conditions, however like a full eye infection or fever for even a short time,  necessitate waiting 7 days from the time the body recovered.

Some of the most common medical conditions which we postpone the brit for include but are not limited to:

    • Neonatal Jaundice: If bilirubin levels are exceptionally high (12.5mg – 13mg), the brit may be postponed until the levels stabilize. If the bilirubin level exceeds 17.5 mg, the brit is delayed for seven days from the time the levels stabilize. Treatment can involve adjusting feeding amounts and methods, phototherapy, various traditional remedies, and in severe cases, blood exchange. Reach out to our staff for a personalised treatment plan.
  • Eye Infections: If the eye infection is more than a minor Eye Infection, It may require waiting 7 days. But a Minor Eye Infection than one must only wait untill he recovers from the infection. If you see puss by the eye contact your Mohel – Dr. right away to take care of it before it turns in to a bigger infection.
  • High Fever: If the baby has a fever, the brit is postponed for 7 days after the fever subsides to allow complete recovery.
  • Oxygen Deficiency: Babies who have experienced respiratory difficulties and required oxygen will need to wait 7 days. If oxygen was given briefly as a precaution, waiting might not be necessary.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: In cases of blood deficiencies, hypoglycemia, or other conditions requiring special medical attention, the brit is postponed based on the child’s health status, as determined by consulting a doctor, mohel, and rabbi.
  • Congenital Issues: Babies with malformations or structural issues in the genital area, such as hypospadias or epispadias, often require coordination with a rabbi, mohel, and urologist before performing the brit.


If the baby shows any signs of illness, please inform us immediately. The safety of your child is our top priority. Contact the mohel right away to discuss the condition and ensure the best care.

מוהל מומלץ

Contact Us

"Thank you to the amazing team at Milah Center!"

We are a couple who were evacuated from Sderot and didn't know how we would fulfill the beautiful and important mitzvah of our dear son's Brit Milah. We contacted Milah Center and received a quick response. The mohel was very professional, relieved all our stress, and even recommended places where we could hold the event. They explained exactly what to do and ensured everything was fine even a few days after the Brit Milah. Our experience was truly amazing; everything was done calmly and professionally. We highly recommend it!

– Shmuel

המלצה למוהל

Halachic Reasons for Postponing Brit Milah


Beyond medical reasons, there are additional halachic scenarios where the brit may be postponed:

  • Cesarean Birth: If the baby is born via cesarean section, the brit is postponed if it falls on Shabbat or a holiday, and it is performed on the following weekday.
  • Infections and Open Wounds: A baby with an eye infection or open wounds in the circumcision area will have the brit postponed until full recovery.
  • Incubator Stay: Babies in incubators due to temperature regulation issues need individual assessments to determine if the cause is illness-related, with consultation from a rabbi and mohel.


Consultation with the Mohel


At Milah Center, we understand the importance of performing Brit Milah according to medical and halachic guidelines. It is always recommended to consult with an experienced rabbi and mohel before making decisions regarding postponing the brit. Our staff and mohalim are available for any questions or consultations, ensuring the most professional and safe care for your baby.




Postponing Brit Milah is a decision made when there are justified medical or halachic reasons. In any case of doubt or need for consultation, it is recommended to contact us to ensure the brit is performed at the most suitable time for the baby’s health and according to halacha.

Picture of Rabbi Ari Deutsch

Rabbi Ari Deutsch

Rabbi Ari Deutsch is a leading mohel at Milah Center, with extensive experience performing hundreds of Brit Milah ceremonies across the country. With a rich and comprehensive knowledge of Jewish laws and traditions, Rabbi Deutsch offers circumcision services that combine spiritual sensitivity with precise adherence to Jewish practices. He is known for his high professionalism and the personal, warm approach he provides to every family and baby, while maintaining the highest medical standards.

A brit milah only happens once.

Give your baby the best experience.

Yourself, too.

One center, everything you need.

Before, during, and after your son’s bris, we’re here for you.


  • Pre-birth consultations
  • Pre-bris consultation
  • Bilirubin testing
  • Pre-bris checkups


  • Top mohalim
  • Complete bris kit 
  • Optional venue 
  • Specialized treatment for complicated brissim


  • Post-bris checkup
  • Wound care
  • Bandage removal
  • Additional checkups as needed


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